Purchasing Good Quality Seeds

I keep a good supply of seeds on hand at all times. I know several home growers that are so far out in the boonies that they can’t get internet access. I’m going to be reviewing different Seed Banks. Each review will take a while. Because I go through the entire process. From purchasing the seeds, planting, growing, and harvest before I can honestly review the seeds bank I get the seeds from. For the past three years I’ve been buying seeds from different seed banks, but I’ve narrowed the seed banks I purchase from down to three different seed banks. This is mostly due to two factors. The quality of the seeds and the seed banks customer service.

I’m primarily an indoor grower. I grow indoors because it gives me more control over the entire process. I have friends that primarily grow outdoors. I’ve been amazed at the different results gotten from the sames seeds, grown in two different environments. The below photo is from my friend’s crop grown in an outdoor green house using the the same field he has a fairly large garden in. The photo was taken after a few days over four weeks of growth. About two weeks after the photo was taken my friend had to remove the roof of his green house, the plants got so big. As of this post the plants are over seven feet high.

I prefer using auto-flowering seeds. When I want to try a new strain I prefer to find auto-flowering seeds and when I can I’ll use the feminized seeds. I prefer auto-flowering because the grow cycle is pretty easy to manage. I’ve gotten the growth cycle down to where I plant between two to four new seeds every six weeks. I’ve been testing different strains and so far the easiest to grow, that produces the best results is the Gold Leaf. I’ve been getting some great end results with this strain. The below four photos are from the same Gold Leaf plant. The first photo was taken when the plant was still in the grow tent. The plant only got about a foot high, but it was almost like one big bud. The second photo was take right after I took it out of the tent to harvest. The third photo shows all the buds. And the last photo shows the container I have the buds in. It’s a gallon air-tight container that blocks out the light. Light degrades the THC levels. The container is full of buds curing.

I’ve been buying seeds from I Love Growing Marijuana for a few years. I made a purchase of 20 seeds one time. Seventeen out of twenty seeds did not sprout. I contacted their customer support and they not only replaced the seeds, but they gave me a nice voucher for my next purchase. Not only did they do that, but they got the replacement seeds to me within a week. I’ve made several hundred dollars in purchases from them and that one order was the only time I had an issue with the seeds. They also guarantee that the seeds will sprout. Their selection of different strains isn’t as large as it is from the other two seed banks I purchase from, but the seeds they sell are usually excellent. If you want to check out their auto-flowering strains Click here. If you would like to grow a Gold Leaf plant like the one I grew above Click here. I generally have at least one Gold Leaf plant growing all the time. I have two more that just started the flowering stage.

If you have a website, newsletter, blog, etc. Consider joining I Love Growing Marijuana’s affiliate program. It’s a great way to earn some extra cash and seeds at the same time. If you’re interested Click Here. Good luck with growing and enjoy it in more ways than one..

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